It is in light of insurance coterie, it is really a little.
在保险圈内人来看, 的确是有点儿.
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——哲学部分In light of the objection received thus far , the draft will be revised.
互联网In light of sustainable development, discuss the positive and negative impacts of reclamation on urban development.
互联网We must ascertain the responsibility in light of different situations.
辞典例句In light of this, we will use the device again in Hungary.
由此可知, 我们会在匈牙利站再次使用此装备. ”
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互联网In light of such a rollercoaster ride, October's credit market performance seems quite pedestrian.
与这种过山车似的急转突变相比, 10月份信贷市场的表现显得相当的波澜不惊.
互联网The translation theory in light of Relevance Theory is a dynamic interpretation.
互联网The paper first designs an automatic overprint controller in light of the routine mode variable structure.
互联网A true Marxist - Leninist must understand, carry on and develop Marxism - Leninism in light of the current situation.
真正的 马克思列宁主义 者必须根据现在的情况,认识 、 继承和发展 马克思列宁主义.
互联网Review the slides you have already taken in light of this topic.
互联网This article discusses several activation elementary school mathematics classroom in light of the new technique.
互联网In talk shows, it is necessary to add some emotional release in light of the circumstances.
互联网All of this is particularly exciting in light of the recent history of our two countries.
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